W.A. Production – NeonGlow 1.0.0b2为声音带来新的复古氛围VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64 暂无演示
W.A. Production – NeonGlow 1.0.0b2为声音带来新的复古氛围VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64手机扫码预览

W.A. Production – NeonGlow 1.0.0b2为声音带来新的复古氛围VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64

¥15 佩币
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  • The central Lo-Fi control gives your sound a new retro vibe using a complex network of processors and two additional sub-modules: Redux and Space. In the final mix, the Lo-Fi parameter controls the combination of Redux and Space, as well as its own processors.




    W.A. Production – NeonGlow 1.0.0b2为声音带来新的复古氛围VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64插图


    Controls a complex series of filters and bit reduction processors that are part of the Lo-Fi module to add a digital retro sound to the signal. When set to 0, the effect has minimal effect on the sound and is only audible in certain material. Move the control clockwise or counterclockwise to hear the real magic: bit reduction and filtering, both warmer and cooler, depending on which way you turn the dial.




    Neon Glow contains a complex network of chorus effects as part of the Lo-Fi module, and with the Space control you can implement these transformations for a unique feeling of space. When set to 0, the effect is a retro chain of multiple choruses. Turn the dial counterclockwise to add a more traditional multichorus effect. Move the control in the opposite direction to degrade the signal using the module’s micro-delays.

    Neon Glow包含一个复杂的合唱效果网络,作为Lo-Fi模块的一部分,通过Space控件,您可以实现这些转换,获得独特的空间感。当设置为0时,效果是多个合唱的复古链。逆时针转动表盘,增加更传统的多弦效果。向相反方向移动控制装置,以使用模块的微延迟降低信号。


    The Wash fader adds a spatial blur effect with spatial elements using a configuration of filters, stereo expanders, and psychoacoustically enhanced diffusion generators. Use the Blur dial to change the basic attributes of the Blur effect. A number of effect parameters have been changed; from width sense to late reflection values ​​on diffusion generators. Be sure to experiment with these two controls to give your sound the unique character it deserves.




    Neon Glow includes a powerful Build fader designed to transform your tracks with sonic tension and release. This effect uses a combination of heavy filtering, diffusion generators and psychoacoustically enhanced stereo delays to create an accelerating wave of energy that reaches a dramatic climax when pressed hard. The Create a Character watch face captures the essence of this effect, allowing you to fine-tune it. Explore the versatility of this control, from the subtle richness of certain frequency ranges to the nuanced spaciousness it brings.

    Neon Glow包括一个强大的Build音量控制器,旨在通过声音张力和释放来转换您的曲目。这种效果结合了重滤波、扩散发生器和心理声学增强的立体声延迟,产生了一种加速的能量波,当用力按压时,能量波会达到戏剧性的高潮。Create a Character手表表面捕捉到了这种效果的精髓,让你可以对其进行微调。探索这种控制的多功能性,从某些频率范围的微妙丰富到它带来的细微空间。

    Input, Output, Bypass, Limiter & More


    Click the LIMiter button to limit the plugin’s output. Feed more signal into the plugin by adjusting the input level, resulting in more limiting and a more compressed result. The output level can also be adjusted. The Bypass control has been smoothed out to ensure that it is as click-free and click-free as possible for seamless comparison testing. Two versions of your settings can be saved and copied using the A/B options and undo and redo controls.




    With a variety of built-in artist-created presets, it’s easy to find the perfect starting point for expanding and transforming your music. These clearly named presets can be applied to many different types of sound and include everything from subtle shaping to more complex chains with carefully crafted effects.


    WA Production are real producers creating creative plugins that will help you achieve studio-quality production quickly and easily.

    WA Production是真正的制作人,他们创建创造性的插件,帮助您快速轻松地实现工作室质量的制作。

    Artist-curated plugin from Arcade


    Creative Lo-Fi processing with poly-effect controls


    Advanced multi-stage processing to degrade, saturate, diffuse, chorus and more


    Resizable interface


    Pop & click free bypass


    A/B/Copy for comparing settings


    Responsive & CPU friendly


    Artist-curated factory presets


    Full PDF Manual

    完整的PDF手册W.A. Production – NeonGlow 1.0.0b2为声音带来新的复古氛围VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64插图2




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    佩斯资源网 » W.A. Production – NeonGlow 1.0.0b2为声音带来新的复古氛围VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64

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