自适应噪声生成,降噪插件 Denise Noize 2 v1.1 WiN MacOSX 暂无演示
自适应噪声生成,降噪插件 Denise Noize 2 v1.1 WiN MacOSX手机扫码预览

自适应噪声生成,降噪插件 Denise Noize 2 v1.1 WiN MacOSX

¥6 佩币
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  • SYNTHiC4TE | WiN: 6.4 MB | MAC: 6.1 MB

    自适应噪声生成,降噪插件 Denise Noize 2 v1.1 WiN MacOSX插图


    Denise has launched an update to its adaptive noise generation plugin.


    Noize 2 brings user requested features such as new noise types and loading and editing of user noise profiles.


    The Noize 2.0 introduces three new noise types and the option to load and edit your own noise profiles – features that have often been requested by the community.


    When Denise actually tested the plugin, it turned out even more creative and versatile than they could anticipate. For example, they found out using a reversed vocal sample on drums and rhythmical synths has a surprisingly great effect.


    Noize 2 features


    • A switch to generate noise that adapts to the volume of your track, in real time.
    • Load and edit your own noise samples.
    • Choose between 8 types of noise and apply additional filtering.
    • Mute the original audio to isolate the noise signal and apply additional effects.
    • Optimize the behaviour of the noise by tweaking the rise and fall time.
    • Additional plugins that compliment the Noize: Bite and Space Invader.
    • Low CPU usage.


    Version: 1.1.1


    Changed: Fix: Put HPF and LPF filters in the right order

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