Plugin Nembrini Audio En
Hardball Guitar Amplifier is based on ENGL Powerball II
插件Nembrini音频En硬球吉他放大器基于ENGL Powerball II
EN Hardball Metal Head Guitar Amplifier is a clean, no-compromise metal amp plug-in. This is the way of modern metal! But EN Hardball also produces crystal clear clean tones, crunchy crunch, tight solo sounds and everything in between. Its four channels are optimally matched to each other so that all degrees of distortion blend seamlessly with each other. Each gain setting is differentiated and delivered with a razor-sharp attack. A complete treat for any drop-tuned guitar!
EN硬球金属头吉他放大器是一个干净、不妥协的金属放大器插件。这是现代金属的方式!但EN Hardball也能发出晶莹剔透的干净音调、嘎吱嘎吱的嘎吱嘎嘎吱声、紧凑的独奏声以及其间的一切。它的四个通道彼此最佳匹配,以便所有失真度彼此无缝融合。每个增益设置都是不同的,并以锋利的攻击进行传递。任何降音吉他的完美享受!
NOISE GATE: Threshold: determines the level at
which the gate is activated
Range: selects the amount of noise reduction
Gate Gate speed control continuous position and distance knobs. A complete Mixer section with Solos, Mutes, Pans and Faders allows you to mix two mics into your environment. IMPULSE LOADER: The Impulse Loader lets you load up to three third-party impulse responses, which can even be mixed together using volume, pan, phase, solo, and mute controls.
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