Production Outlaw v2.2.0混合现场声音、平滑人声还是平衡独奏乐器音量效果器插件 Mac苹果版本 暂无演示
Production Outlaw v2.2.0混合现场声音、平滑人声还是平衡独奏乐器音量效果器插件 Mac苹果版本手机扫码预览

Production Outlaw v2.2.0混合现场声音、平滑人声还是平衡独奏乐器音量效果器插件 Mac苹果版本

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  • W.A. Production Outlaw v2.2.0无论您是混合现场声音、平滑人声还是平衡独奏乐器音量效果器插件 Mac [MORiA].VST.VST3.AU


    Outlaw All gain. No pain. Whether you’re mixing live sound, smoothing vocals or balancing solo instruments, Outlaw is the gain-riding plugin you’ve been looking for. Outlaw listens to the incoming audio and compensates for volume changes, mimicking the mixing desk fader movement of a real-life audio engineer. Forget about drawing complex volume automation and let Outlaw do the hard work for you, with smooth gain levelling and a wealth of features.MIX, TARGET, GATE & GAIN

    These 4 main dials give you flexible control over the fundamental parameters of Outlaw, meaning that it’s easy to make broad-strokes adjustments to the performance of the plugin. Adjust the intensity of the effect with the MIX dial and set the RMS target level with the TARGET dial. Use the GATE control to set a relative level so that the gain-rider ignores softer sounds. The master output is controlled by the GAIN dial, very useful for setting accurate levels for precise A/B signal comparison.




    Fine tune the gain algorithm with advanced settings, accessible from a secondary panel. Outlaw can perform in band-pass mode with high-pass and low-pass filters and 4 different slope settings. For example, this means you can perform effective gain-riding on audio with low rumble, high-hat bleed or other problematic frequency information.


    – The Attack and Release options let you mould the transients and sustains of the processed audio to create a smoother signal. The Direction parameter can be set to control the attack and release direction, operating upwards, downwards or in both directions.


    – Maximum values can be set to adjust the intensity of the gain-riding. A variety of RMS options determine how quickly Outlaw reacts to the incoming signal – another way to help smooth or sharpen the response.




    See exactly what Outlaw is doing to the signal at a glance, with the large visual feedback display. This displays Peak and RMS volume for both left and right channel, and the amount of gain-riding in the centre.




    Developed in the JUCE framework, this is our most stable plugin to date running happily in all plugin formats for Mac and PC with support for retina and high definition screens. For the first time, AAX / ProTools format is included so all producers using any system can enjoy this versatile plugin.


    Outlaw is the kind of toolbox plugin that you’ll reach for every time you need to create balanced dynamics with a “human touch”. Make it the first plugin on your channel for live guitars, vocals, bass and drums, or anything that needs the smooth touch of a sympathetic virtual engineer.


    W. A. Production are real-life producers making creative plugins to help you achieve studio quality processing quickly and easily. Enjoy!

    W、 答:制作是现实生活中制作创意插件的制作人,帮助您快速轻松地实现工作室质量的处理。享受



    – MIX: mixes is the gain riding.


    – TARGET: sets the rms target of the gain-rider.


    – GATE: allows user to set a gate level that is relative to the TARGET level, to have the gain-rider ignore softer sounds.


    HPF/LPF/SLOPE: Let you filter away the highs and lows in the detection signal with variable slopes so you can for example ignore the low rumble in a speech or vocal recording, or ignore the high attack and finger noises of a bass recording.


    – ATTACK/RELEASE/DIRECTION: Let you apply additional attack and release to the gain-riding so you can let through the signals peaks or smooth out the signals tails. With the DIRECTION control you can set the direction of the ATTACK and RELEASE which is helpful depending on if the general gain produced is upwards, downwards or goes in two directions.


    – MAX UP/MAX DOWN/INSTANT/ZERO/RMS: The MAX UP and MAX DOWN let you set the maximum gain that is applied up and down, which gives you more control over how extreme the gain-riding is allowed to be. Low values sound subtile. High values sound erratic. The RMS control lets you pick between slow, medium or fast rms-detection, which determines how quickly the plugin reacts to the incoming signal. INSTANT option is very fast and ZERO has 0ms RMS time.

    -最大向上/最大向下/瞬时/零/均方根:最大向上和最大向下允许您设置上下应用的最大增益,这使您可以更好地控制增益控制的极限。低值听起来很微妙。高值听起来不稳定。RMS控制允许您在慢速、中等或快速RMS检测之间进行选择,这决定了插件对输入信号的反应速度。INSTANT选项非常快,ZERO具有0ms RMS时间。

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    4: 在线一对一插件/机架/声卡跳线教学(50元起)。
    5: 声卡效果调试,一对一根据人声声线精调,精调效果永久免费维护。不满意全额退款
    注:免费维护,不再动效果。重装系统还原,修改效果参数,添加插件收费。一对一精调效果: 点击试听。
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    佩斯资源网 » Production Outlaw v2.2.0混合现场声音、平滑人声还是平衡独奏乐器音量效果器插件 Mac苹果版本

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